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Item НИЗЬКО-ПРОФІЛЬНА ШИРОКОСМУГОВА ДИСК-КІЛЬЦЕВА АНТЕНА(ОНАЗ імені О. С. Попова, 2018) Сідень С. В.; Siden S.; Фокін Р. А.; Fokin R.Представлені топологія та описані основні характеристики широкосмугової низько-профільної диск-кільцевої антени, отримані на основі комп’ютерного моделювання. Основними особливостями антени є її широкосмугові властивості (2.2…6 ГГц), як по вхідному імпедансу, так і по характеристикам спрямованості (коефіцієнту спрямованої дії та діаграмі спрямованості). Крім того антена має відносно малі розміри та достатньо проста у реалізації. The development of modern wireless technologies leads to the need for the development of antennas that have broadband properties, both in terms of input impedance and directional characteristics(directivity, directional pattern). In addition, the antenna should be small in size and weight, and also be easy to manufacture. The topology of a lowprofile broadband antenna consisting of a thin ring in the inner region of which, in the plane of the middle section of which, a disk 1 mm thick is disposed. All elements of the antenna are made of a good conductive material. The antenna is powered in the region of the minimum distance between the ring and the disk by a coaxial line. The presented results are obtained by calculating electrodynamic parameters based on the computer simulation in the environment of the FEKO software complex. The principle of the calculation module is based on solving the diffraction problem by the method of moments. The problem of determining the amplitude-phase distribution of surface currents on antenna elements is reduced to solving a system of linear algebraic equations. On this basis, the amplitude distribution of fields in the far field and the directivity coefficient were calculated, and the frequency dependences of the input impedance and the modulus of the reflection coefficient at the antenna input were determined. As shown by the results of numerical analysis and experiment - this antenna has wideband properties both in terms of input impedance and directional pattern. For the investigated modifications, the operating range lies in the range from 2.2 to 6 GHz. One of the main features and advantages of this antenna is the possibility of its optimization when coordinated with the supply line by changing the width of the ring and / or the distance between it and the disc. It should also be noted the simplicity in the manufacture of antennas and relatively small dimensions.Item АУДІОВІЗУАЛЬНІ ОБ'ЄКТИ І МЕТАДАНІ(ОНАЗ імені О. С. Попова, 2018) Ошаровська О. В.; Osharovska O. V.У роботі пропонується розглядати кожен медіа-об'єкт як набір пов'язаних з ним дескрипторів, дана оцінка обсягу метаданих. In this paper is offered to consider each media object as a set of associated descriptors and estimate the amount of metadata. In multimedia broadcasts, metadata covers both service descriptions and multimedia controls. Metadata is integrated into the transmission cost chain, taking into account all stages of the development of digital television broadcasting. Any metadata is integrated into the standards relating to the digital lifecycle. The concept is the company's idea of understanding syntactically and semantically complex data by improving their essence in a set of simple descriptors. The television scene is composed of several objects. Video objects should be represented by triangulation meshes. The data on the mesh object has spatial and temporal aspects as well as a high dimensional variable at different resolutions, which enhances the task of finding compact, accurate, and easily computable data models. A model that is equivalent to a description of content-oriented metadata should create a lower bit stream than the source data of the mesh object, at least by an order of magnitude. Secondly, the metadata presentation should contain enough information to support a wide class of queries. Finally, the accuracy and speed of queries should be within the tolerances required by users. The search for content based on the metadata description can be represented by three levels of queries: search using descriptors, such as color, texture, shape, or spatial arrangement of image elements. An important part of this methodology is the development of an ontology that completely captures the semantic model of metadata.Item METHOD OF EVALUATION THE EFFICIENCY OF FIBER-OPTIC CABLES MODELS WITH MULTI-MODULAR DESIGN BASED ON MASS AND DIMENSIONAL INDICATORS(НУ «Запорізька політехніка», 2024) Бондаренко О. В.; Bondarenko O.; Степанов Д. М.; Stepanov D. M.; Вербицький О. О.; Verbytskyi O.; Сідень С. В.; Siden S.Today, the leading cable production plants in many countries of the world manufacture single- and multi-module designs of fiber-optic cables (FOC) with different protective covers and the number of fibers. This creates a wide range of possible FOC models for different consumer (buyer) requirements. However, the lack of openness of prices for FOC for the consumer, in particular for the project organization, and the desire of the manufacturer to save on production creates a need for the development and research of a method for evaluating the effectiveness of FOC of a multi-module design. In the work, it is proposed to do this by analyzing a number of optical cable models according to parameters-criteria – the compactness coefficient and the economic efficiency coefficient of the FOC by diameter. На сьогодні заводи-лідери виробництва кабельної продукції в багатьох країнах світу виготовляють одно- та багатомодульні конструкції волоконно-оптичних кабелів (ВОК) з різними захисними покривами та кількістю волокон. Це створює широкий ряд можливих моделей ВОК для різних вимог споживача (покупця). Проте відсутність відкритості цін на ВОК для споживача, зокрема для проєктної організації, і прагнення виробника зекономити на виробництві створює необхідність в розробці та дослідженні методу оцінки ефективності ВОК багатомодульної конструкції. В роботі запропоновано зробити це шляхом аналізу низки моделей оптичних кабелів за параметрами-критеріями – коефіцієнтом компактності та коефіцієнтом економічної ефективності ВОК за діаметром.