Chukurna O.Чукурна О. П.Назаренко О. А.Nazarenko O.Pankovets L.Панковець Л.2024-11-262024-11-2620232082-7016http:// O., Nazarenko O., Pankovets L. Formation of the digital economy as the final stage of globalization // Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach. 2023. №17. Р. 189-204The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the digital economy, as a consequence of the final stage of globalization. An analysis of the development of the digital economy and its periodization was carried out. The change in technological structures and the influence of technologies on the core of value formation was analyzed as it is the basis of economic development. It has been proven that the change of key technologies, which are the basis of technological systems, contributes to the change of the cost structure. The change of the paradigm of human development depending on the change of technological systems and technological revolutions was also analyzed. The evolution of the globalization paradigm and its impact on the emergence of the digital economy were studied. The transformation principles of the formation of the “Society 5.0” paradigm based on the technological basis of “Industry 4.0” were justified.otherdigital economyglobalizationdigitalizationцифрова економікаглобалізаціяцифровізаціяFORMATION OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY AS THE FINAL STAGE OF GLOBALIZATIONСТАНОВЛЕННЯ ЦИФРОВОЇ ЕКОНОМІКИ ЯК ЗАКЛЮЧНИЙ ЕТАП ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЇArticle